
In recent years, monitoring and, in particular, evaluation of the social impact generated have become hot topics, in their various forms and applications, from the monitoring of individual projects to the ex-post review of complex programmes or strategies of entire organisations.

They are used in order to constantly learn and grow through the feedback gathered from the field in a structured way, to improve as people and as an organisation, for the benefit of the people who are the reason for our existence.

But they also assist in accountability, to illustrate the changes that have actually been achieved and as fundamental allies of fundraising and people raising. This is because they help to provide in-depth and well-founded responses to questions on why it is worth supporting our mission.

They are also constantly linked to extremely topical issues such as transparency, reputation and social impact finance (with Pay-by-Results schemes).


  • Reconstruction or refocusing of the Theory of Change underlying the initiative to the programme or organisational strategic planning.
  • From the project writing phase to final approval by the funder, integrating and enhancing strategies and tools for measuring results at output and outcome level.
  • Define with the main stakeholders, in a participatory manner, a Monitoring and Evaluation matrix based on the best output and outcome indicators, with sources and tools for data collection and verification that are relevant, realistic and sustainable.
  • Provide coaching, constant recommendations while the project is in progress and ex-post evaluation observations to management, for the continuous improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of interventions, aimed at greater positive impact.


  • Co-planning
  • Co-design
  • Capacity building
  • Direct management of Monitoring (in progress)
  • Evaluation (in progress and ex post) of projects, programmes or multi-year strategies

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