The Team


Christian Elevati is the founder of Mapping Change.

Consultant for Third Sector organisations and Public Administrations (Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations, Local Authorities, Foundations, Social Enterprises, Associations), he works by applying change management strategies to strategic planning and co-programming and guides the development of impact management methodologies aimed at the continuous improvement of people and results.

With over 26 years of professional experience in participatory and social inclusion processes, he has been responsible for programme and project management, networking and institutional relations, co-design, funding strategies, advocacy, monitoring and impact assessment, in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors.

He is co-founder of ChangeLab, a working group composed of professionals and organisations from the world of international cooperation who are driven to identify, develop and disseminate innovative methodologies and practices.

He is a lecturer in Masters courses at the Postgraduate School of the Catholic University of Milan (ALTIS) and at the University of Bologna. He has published several articles for trade magazines such as, Info Cooperazione, ‘Il Project Manager’ (Franco Angeli) and Percorsi di Secondo Welfare (Second Welfare Paths).

He edits a twice-monthly newsletter on LinkedIn dedicated to the entire social impact management cycles.


Head of the international sector of Mapping Change, she has worked for NGOs for more than 15 years, both as the coordinator of projects in Italy as well as cooperator abroad.

Cecilia has held the roles of country and regional representative, and has undertaken monitoring and evaluation missions for projects and programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

She has worked with organisations of various types and sizes, from civil society associations to public institutions, guiding growth, development and training paths.

Cecilia uses the Theory of Change (ToC) approach in designing, monitoring, evaluating and managing complex programmes, making inclusion and participation one of the key aspects in her work.

She is active in coaching the Theory of Change, writing, managing, monitoring and evaluating projects and programmes from an impact management perspective and using a learning-by-doing methodology. Her expertise has been enriched by experience in the field and by updating and ongoing training.

She helped write the Guidelines on the Logical Framework and the Theory of Change proposed by Info-Cooperazione, with whom she also assisted in the organisation of the first itinerant course on the Theory of Change in Italy.


Valentina Uccelli holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Economy and a Master’s degree in Development Economics. Since 2004, she has been working in international cooperation, primarily in Latin America and Mozambique.

From 2016 to 2022, she served as Programme Officer and later as Area Manager for Developing Countries at an NGO in Milan. Her responsibilities included internal staff and partner training in Project Cycle Management and specific intervention areas, such as Responsible Community Tourism. She was chiefly involved in general management, area planning and programming, monitoring ongoing programs, and drafting new interventions through strategic partnerships.

Her expertise includes projects focused on climate resilience and adaptation, food and nutrition security, livelihoods, and employment for vulnerable populations.

Currently, she collaborates with Mapping Change, where she is involved in writing and evaluating development cooperation projects.


Damiano graduated at the University of Bologna in Development Anthropology. He has conducted extensive research on education and socio-economic rights in Mexico and Guatemala.

With about 15 years of experience in international cooperation, he has served as project manager and head of mission for several NGOs, primarily in North Africa. His work has involved coordinating programs and projects to support civil society, integrated community development, social economy, and socio-labor inclusion.

Since 2020, Damiano has focused on humanitarian aid and emergency management, working as a regional coordinator in various countries in southern and eastern Africa and the Middle East. He holds several certifications as a trainer and provides training for the staff of NGOs’ overseas offices PCM, administration, and strategic planning.

Currently, he is part of the Mapping Change team, where he collaborates on project proposal writing, monitoring, and evaluation.


After an initial experience as a fundraiser in an important Milanese association, he completed his studies in development cooperation and embarked on a professional collaboration with Christian Elevati, immediately working with him in developing the Theory of Change or the monitoring and evaluation of results, with national and international organisations.

He has worked with the Mapping Change team since 2019 as a data analyst for monitoring and evaluation, also in terms of the social impact generated. Working closely with organisations, Michele guides them, from the initial stages, through the difficult work of structuring the system and measurement tools and through the periodic collection of data on the indicators.

With his strong passion for consulting, he supports organisations that aspire to communicate and enhance their social impact with key stakeholders.


For 20 years she has worked in developing people and organisations, both for-profit and non-profit, holding management roles in both Italy and abroad.

Thanks to her experience and training (she is a certified coach), Maria now offers coaching and consulting services tailored to the specific needs of her clients.

She is a trusted partner for all companies and non-profit organisations that need to be guided through an organisational evolution.

By implementing projects in which the strategy, structure and leadership model are consistent, she helps to maximise both the results and the impact. Maria offers her clients the necessary support so that they can capitalise on the experience gained and therefore direct their future choices.


After studying Social Communications at the Catholic University of Milan, followed by a second degree – born out of passion – in Musicology in Cremona, she specialised in the design and creative development of direct, relational and web communication texts. She has worked as a copywriter since 1989.

Creative director for national and international direct communication agencies, today she is a creative-strategic consultant for national and international clients, agencies, companies and associations.

Antonella encountered the non-profit world in 2004, when she contributed to the growth of one of the best known foundations in Italy. Since then she has worked on drafting popular scientific texts, traditional and digital communication tools, and social reports for some of the most important organisations.

She has collaborated on change communication projects since 2010.

Since 2012, Antonella has taught non-profit storytelling and storytelling techniques at the Accademia di Comunicazione Foundation.

Since 2013, she has also been involved in scientific editorial projects for a number of publishing houses including Mondadori Electa.


After years of working and evolving in communication agencies, she chose to become freelance with the aim, among others, of dedicating herself more to the non-profit sector.

Her passion for social communication has stayed with her since her entry into the world of communication.

Eva has always believed in the fact that her work can contribute, in a practical and constructive way, to the dissemination of ideas, values and projects that are useful for society.

In over 20 years of work, she has developed communication campaigns, public awareness projects, graphic tools, websites and special operations on social media for all the objectives: brand awareness, fundraising, client/donor acquisition, promotion, loyalty building.

short, everything that an experienced and passionate art director does.

Elena Zanella

Amministratore unico della Elena Zanella Srl Fundraising Academy & Consulting, a company specialised in coaching and mentoring in thefundraising, communication and marketing processes oi nonprofit and public entities.

Professional coach registered with the AIF. Author of FrancoAngelithe volumes Professione Fundraiser (2015) and Digital Fundraiser (2017). Blogger. Is the

In 2013, she won the Italian Fundraising Award (IFA). Fundraising Award. In 2016, she launched the intensive course Fundraising Integrated Startup Fundraisingand in the 2018 she founded the Fundraising Academy, the Postgraduate Academy for fundraising professionals. In December 2019, Elena won the AIF’s Adriano Olivetti Award – training excellence – for the Startup Fundraising project.

Lecturer for the Fundraising module of the 1st level EMSE Masters course of the Catholic University of Milan (ALTIS) and the Masters in Patient Advocacy of the Catholic University of Rome (ALTEMS).


Walà is a Benefit Company that supports companies, public administrations, third sector entities and foundations in creating and developing welfare projects with high social and territorial value and a focus on quality, welfare and sustainability issues.

Walà’s mission is to design and implement integrated welfare systems in the various territories, identifying and engaging the necessary actors, developing relationship and exchange systems capable of producing value for all the stakeholders.

Walà targets companies to support them in their projects to increase the well-being of their human resources, strengthen Diversity & Inclusion and expand their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.


Communication & Management helps the Board and management to navigate new challenges using the strategic resource of communication.

The company was founded in 2001 by Virginia Genni Rosci, who has developed a distinctive approach to communication consulting and coaching, drawing on over 25 years of international experience as Communication Manager at McKinsey & Company and Principal at Value Partners Management Consulting.

Communication & Management can count on a team of senior professionals for the definition and implementation of strategic communication projects: Antonella Gangeri, creative director, and Laura Angeleri, direct and relational communication specialist. They both develop and deliver training sessions on communication

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